Video Testimonies
Watch below to hear about people's expirences through Honduras Fountain of Life
Written Testimonies
I absolutely LOVED my time there and can't wait to go back! If it weren't for my responsibilities in life here, I would have stayed. It is hard to pinpoint a favorite thing there, I love the children, the women, the food, what God is doing there is amazing, but I have to say one thing I looked forward to most were your jump starts.The way you would share what the Lord put on your heart was great! All is Grace came in the mail yesterday and I can't wait to start reading it. I know I didn't share much of my story there, I didn't feel led to, but the words you spoke resonated not only to my childhood and how I was raised, but made me think more of how I am raising my daughter.
....So-called friends at church said horrible things about me, Boy did that crush me. These were friends of mine that I had known for several years at this point, whom my daughter was around multiple times a week, and they didn't see me as their own kind. It was then that we quit going to church. This was the church I had been to since I was 12, and the church I taught preschool music at, this was essentially my family, and not once did anyone call to find out why we hadn't been back. No one wondered why my daughter wasn't there or why I wasn't. This was a few years ago now. But coming to Honduras, and hearing you speak every morning, allowed me to hear the Spirit again and feel loved. So Thank you! I definitely don't want to pass this mess on to my daughter, so it is time I quit ignoring it all.
So as much as people may try to talk you out of the Jumpstarts because they have a lot to get done. Keep on doing them, you never know who or what someone might need to hear. I have been working on editing all of the photos and hope to get those to you soon. If you have any advice or other books for me to read, please let me know.
Much Love,
Since this was my third ladies mission trip, I was very confident that I had a handle on what was expected. Even though I thought I was prepared, God had other plans in mind for this trip. Just 2 days into the trip, I slipped on the wet tile entry way to the mission house as I was heading over to the Hogar.
The next thing I knew I was headed to a Honduran Hospital. Strangely, earlier that day I remarked to a team member that the last place I wanted to end up was in an Honduran hospital! God didn't send me without amazing resources though. Pastor Yobani, Gail Pearce, an amazing doctor, and my best friend Joanie, who is fluent in Spanish went with me! All three were instrumental in making sure I was protected in every way.
It was quickly determined that not only was my foot broken in two places, but surgery was necessary. Joanie explained to the Honduran orthopedic specialist that not only was my daughter an orthopedic PA but a date for surgery in North Carolina was already set for the next week. He agreed that I could stay in Honduras for the duration of the Mission trip as long as I was very careful to put no weight on my plaster wrapped foot.
The rest of the week was beautiful. I was served in ways I could never have imagined by our team and by the beautiful ladies that we had come to serve. The love that was lavished on me enabled me to feel the love from our Heavenly Father more completely than I have ever felt before. This was by far the best trip ever! I am so grateful.
Now that I am home with a long convalesce following surgery, I am still experiencing such beautiful blessings. First, from my husband, who serves me in ways that he has never had to do before. And then by all the sweet ladies from Bible Study and my Honduras Mission Teammates who visit and bring meals and encouragement . My prayer is that I will become a much better servant for the Lord because I now know that the beauty of being served is an amazing gift from God.
-Betsy Monfort
This picture is of Kenia, when she came to the orphanage when she was four years old. Kenia is now approaching her 18th birthday. She is in high school taking university courses! Kenia assists in the school and orphanage and has great dreams. Thank you for believing what God wants to do in the lives of these little girls as they grow up!